Title: Goat production status in adopted village: A mid-term evaluation of institutional interventions
Authors: Vijay Kumar, Pourouchottamane R, Braj Mohan, Ashok Kumar, UB Chaudhary and AK Dixit
Source: Ruminant Science (2019)-8(1):61-64
Cite this reference as: Kumar Vijay, Pourouchottamane R, Mohan Braj, Kumar Ashok, Chaudhary UB and Dixit AK (2019). Goat production status in adopted village: A mid-term evaluation of institutional interventions. Ruminant Science 8(1):61-64.
A study was undertaken to improve the productivity of goats and increase the income of goat farmers under the adopted village programme of Institute. Thirty-seven goat farmers having about 200 goats were given health, nutritional and breeding intervention along with their capacity building. Most of the respondents were illiterate (37.8%) and belonged to Other Backward Category (75.7%) and having marginal land (73%). The Experimental design was Pre-Post Test without a control group. Data were collected by individual in-depth interviews with 37 goat keepers in the adopted village after a gap of 12-18 months of the intervention. Due to regular intervention, there was a significant increase in the Barbari breed (above 50%). The adoption rate of different technologies and practices has been increased from 30 per cent to 55 per cent. The income of the farmers has increased by 10.8 per cent; it is mainly because of the reduction of mortality (22 to 1.25%) and adoption of scientific practices.
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