Surgico-therapeutic management of oesophageal affections in cows and buffaloes

Title: Surgico-therapeutic management of oesophageal affections in cows and buffaloes

Authors: S Purohit, Vimlesh Kumar, Anil Singh, Prabha Sharma, Atul Yadav, Chetan Sharma, Raveendra RT, PVV Reddy and RP Pandey

Source: Ruminant Science (2019)-8(1):115-124

Cite this reference as: Purohit S, Kumar Vimlesh, Singh Anil, Sharma Prabha, Yadav Atul, Sharma Chetan, Raveendra RT, Reddy PVV and Pandey RP (2019). Surgico-therapeutic management of oesophageal affections in cows and buffaloes. Ruminant Science 8(1):115-124.


The present study was conducted to document the causes, clinical findings and types of oesophageal affections in cows and buffaloes. Forty-two (13 cattle and 29 buffaloes) animals with oesophageal obstruction presented to the Kothari Veterinary Hospital were included in the study. Oesophageal obstruction was observed more frequently in female (83.33%) than male (16.67%) animals. Adult animals were more liable to these conditions (76.19%) than those of other age groups (23.81%).  Complete obstruction (52.38%) was more frequent than partial obstruction (38.09%). Only intraluminal obstruction was observed. Plain and contrast radiography aided in definitive diagnosis of these cases. Conservative treatment by probang (3 cattle and 7 buffaloes), oral retrieval (2 cattle and 4 buffaloes), endoscopic retrieval (2 buffalo calves), exposure of the cervical oesophagus (3 buffalo), cervical oesophagotomy (6 cattle and 9 buffaloes), laparorumenotomy (1 buffalo calf), Oesophageal diverticulectomy (1 cow and 1 buffalo), repair of megaoesophagus (1 buffalo) and repair of oesophageal fistula (1 buffalo) were done with favourable results in these cases. It can hence be concluded that early diagnosis, proper conservative or surgical interventions, and postoperative follow-up are the fundamental factors for successful treatment of oesophageal affections in cows and buffaloes.


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