Title: Goat/sheep eyes: An ideal model for practicing cataract extraction procedure
Authors: Amit Kumar, SP Tyagi, Adarsh Kumar, Rohit Kumar and Nikita Mastkar
Source: Ruminant Science (2019)-8(1):125-128
Cite this reference as: Kumar Amit, Tyagi SP, Kumar Adarsh, Kumar Rohit and Mastkar Nikita (2019). Goat/sheep eyes: An ideal model for practicing cataract extraction procedure. Ruminant Science 8(1):125-128.
Isolated goat eyes and heads of goat/sheep from fresh cadaver were operated for the standardization of various cataract extraction procedure. Two port (major and minor) anterior chamber entry at about 10-11o clock and minor port at 2 to 3o clock position of the eyeballs were created as a clear corneal incision or a scleral tunnel (and a limbal based conjunctival flap). Clear corneal incision was found much more useful. One minute was sufficient time for the trypan blue dye to stain the anterior capsule. Continuous tear curvilinear capsulorhexis was found better than can-opener technique for capsulorhexis. Hydro dissection using ringer’s lactate of normal lens material was found difficult in all eyes.
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