12-Title: Gross and histomorphological observations of lingual papillae in sheep (Ovis aries)

12-Title: Gross and histomorphological observations of lingual papillae in sheep (Ovis aries)

Authors: R Menaka, S Chaurasia and Gopal Puri

Source: Ruminant Science (2021)-10(2):309-312.

How to cite this manuscript: Menaka R, Chaurasia S and Puri Gopal (2021). Gross and histomorphological observations of lingual papillae in sheep (Ovis aries). Ruminant Science 10(2):309-312.


The present study was carried out to reveal gross and histomorphological structure of lingual papillae of sheep tongue aged between 1-3 years old and twenty tongue samples were collected. Usually, the lingual mucous membrane of sheep tongue was pigmented on the lingual dorsum and pigmented spot was also observed on the rostral part of the apex. The apex presented with median groove/median sulcus and free edge was somewhat flattened and notched. The body constituted the bulk of the organ.  The body and root were wide and were attached to the floor of the mouth. The tongue showed five types of lingual papillae. The lingual papillae were five types which were presented on the dorsal surface of the tongue. The papillae were covered by squamous stratified keratinized epithelium. The fungiform papillae presented with rich connective tissue core along with taste buds at dorsal aspect. The circumvallate papillae were surrounded by cleft, which was moat. The taste buds were distributed the entire papillary wall of the moat. Von Ebner’s glands were serous type and located in the lamina propria and also in between lingual muscle bundle. The conical papillae covered by stratified keratinized epithelium and further strengthened by connective tissue core.


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