17-Title: Study on the effect of improved shelter management practices on the physiological parameters of Sahiwal cattle in arid region of Rajasthan
Authors: R Arora, SC Goswami and R Maan
Source: Ruminant Science (2021)-10(1):89-92.
How to cite this manuscript: Arora R, Goswami SC and Maan R (2021). Study on the effect of improved shelter management practices on the physiological parameters of Sahiwal cattle in arid region of Rajasthan. Ruminant Science 10(1):89-92.
Present study was conducted on 24 lactating Sahiwal cows to study the effect of improved shelter management on the physiological parameters. The cows were randomly divided into four homogeneous groups. Control (G-1) cows were kept on a cement concrete floor. The cows in the treatment group (G-2) were kept in a shed with rubber mat flooring, whereas the animals in the G-3 group were reared on a cement concrete floor with physical modification, and the animals in the G-4 group were reared on rubber mat flooring with physical modification. The overall means of respiration rate of morning and afternoon during the experimental period for cows housed under different sheds were 24.91d±0.11, 24.38c±0.24, 22.54b±0.14, 21.97a±0.24 and 28.94c±0.17, 27.72b±0.08, 26.34a±0.17, 25.88a±0.23 counts per minute, respectively. The overall means of the pulse rate of morning and afternoon during the experimental period for cows housed under different sheds were 62.87c±0.22, 62.63c±0.39, 61b±0.27, 59.9a±0.26 and 66.1c±0.21, 65.73c±0.38, 62.96b±0.2, 62.13a±0.26 counts per min, respectively. As per the analysis of variance, there were significant changes in respiration rate and pulse rate. Respiration rate was significantly (P<0.05) lower in the G-4 group as compared to other groups of Cattle. Whereas, the analysis of variance showed that there is a significant difference (P<0.05) between mean values of the different sheds, where the animals housed in the improved shed (G-4) had a lower pulse rate than the animals housed in other shed. Significant (P<0.05) difference was observed in pulse rate among G-3, G-4 and G-2, G-1 groups whereas; there was no significant difference between G-1 and G-2 groups.
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