23-Title: Scale to measure the attitude of organic basmati growers cum dairy farmers towards organic dairy farming in subtropics of Jammu region of India
Authors: Pranav Kumar, PS Slathia, R Peshin, RK Sharma, MA Malik, JS Soodan, A Singh and R Kumar
Source: Ruminant Science (2021)-10(1):117-122.
How to cite this manuscript: Kumar Pranav, Slathia PS, Peshin R, Sharma RK, Malik MA, Soodan JS, Singh A and Kumar R (2021). Scale to measure the attitude of organic basmati growers cum dairy farmers towards organic dairy farming in subtropics of Jammu region of India. Ruminant Science 10(1):117-122.
The present study was conducted on 68 statements developed from the subject matter of organic dairy farming based on organic animal husbandry standards worked out by various national and international agencies to develop an attitude scale about organic dairy farming. A total of 41 statements resulted after the edition of 68 statements as per the criteria suggested by Edwards (1969) and were sent to 79 scientists having super specialization in the relevant field to critically evaluate the statements for relevancy. Based on responses received from judges, a total of 30 statements were retained based on relevancy weightage, and these were subjected to item analysis by administering to 60 dairy farmers cum organic basmati growers. A total of 21 statements were selected based on the ‘t’ values (above 1.75) resulted from the item analysis and included in the final scale for calculating reliability and validity. Split-half reliability was calculated using Spearman Brown Prophecy Formula and was found to be 0.88. Internal consistency of the attitude scale was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha () and the value was calculated to be 0.89. The validity of attitude scale was established through content validity. Thus, the instrument developed to measure attitude of farmers towards organic dairy farming representing the various aspects of organic dairy rearing such as conversion period, breeds and breeding aspects, care and management, certification, sustainability, quality of organic products including views of farmers based on their cognitive and affective reactions. The reliability and validity of the scale indicate its precision and consistency. This scale can be used to measure farmers’ attitude beyond the study area with suitable modifications in future.
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