4-Title: Study on factors influencing the success of AI according to the inseminators

4-Title: Study on factors influencing the success of AI according to the inseminators

Authors: Salima-Yamina Derdour, Nora Mimoune, Abdelouahab Laamari, Imad Eddine Saboundji, Abdelkadir Hamadouche, Djamel Khelef and Rachid Kaidi

Source: Ruminant Science (2022)-11(1):21-24.

How to cite this manuscript: Derdour Salima-Yamina, Mimoune Nora, Laamari Abdelouahab, Saboundji Imad Eddine, Hamadouche Abdelkadir, Khelef Djamel and Kaidi Rachid (2022). Study on factors influencing the success of AI according to the inseminators. Ruminant Science 11(1):21-24.


The present survey study was conducted on 64 inseminators to evaluate the various factors that influence the success of artificial insemination (AI). Results show that all the inseminators (100%) inseminate on natural heat. As well, 28.13% thawed the semen in water for 30 seconds at 37°C, 12.50% in water at 30°C for 60s, 17.19% in water at 37°C for 15s and 10.94% thawed them under the clothes. Furthermore, 58% use sanitary sheaths. Majority of inseminators deposited semen into uterine body (59.38%) while 36% into uterine horns and 4.69% in the cervix. Approximately 89% inseminators inseminate after the first 12 hours of heat, while only 3% do so at the start or very end of the heat. More than half of the inseminators inseminate twice on the same estrus (12 hours apart), 14% inseminate after 4 hours of the first insemination and 28% inseminate after 24 hours. In addition, 70% believe that the biggest obstacle to the advancement of AI is a lack of professionalism and education. 50% gave importance to age, breed, and parity as influencing factors, while 18.25% determined breed as the most influencing factor. In order for AI in Algeria to succeed, it was determined that a database must be established to identify and resolve potential failure factors.


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