52-Title: Persistent cervico-vaginal prolapse and its successful management with vulvoplasty in a cow

52-Title: Persistent cervico-vaginal prolapse and its successful management with vulvoplasty in a cow

Authors: JJ Nidhishree, Venkanagouda Doddagoudar, RG Bijurkar, G Malashri, Mohd Mujaheed Pasha and MK Tandle

Source: Ruminant Science (2022)-11(2):513-514.

How to cite this manuscript: Nidhishree JJ, Doddagoudar Venkanagouda, Bijurkar RG, Malashri G, Pasha Mohd Mujaheed and Tandle MK (2022). Persistent cervico-vaginal prolapse and its successful management with vulvoplasty in a cow. Ruminant Science 11(2):513-514.


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