57-Title: Evaluation of ropivacaine and ropivacaine-fentanyl combination for spinal anaesthesia in urolithic male goats

57-Title: Evaluation of ropivacaine and ropivacaine-fentanyl combination for spinal anaesthesia in urolithic male goats

Authors: Narendra Sahu, Surbhi Kuldeep Tyagi, Vineet Kumar, Vivak Malik, Sumiter Singh and Mukesh Shivhare

Source: Ruminant Science (2022)-11(2):527-532.

How to cite this manuscript: Sahu Narendra, Tyagi Surbhi Kuldeep, Kumar Vineet, Malik Vivak, Singh Sumiter and Shivhare Mukesh (2022). Evaluation of ropivacaine and ropivacaine-fentanyl combination for spinal anaesthesia in urolithic male goats. Ruminant Science 11(2):527-532.


The present study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of subarachnoid anaesthesia and analgesic response of ropivacaine alone and in combination with fentanyl in 12 urolithic male goats. Animals were randomly divided into two groups; group I (n=6) and II (n=6), which were administered ropivacaine (@ 0.6 mg/kg b.wt.) and ropivacaine (0.3 mg/kg) plus fentanyl (0.002 mg/kg) in combination, respectively, in which tube cystostomy was done. In both groups, heart rate, respiratory rate and rectal temperature were recorded. In addition, timings of motor incoordination were recorded; extent and depth of analgesia were evaluated with the help of pin prick at tail, perineum, inguinal, thigh, digits/pedal, anterior flank, posterior flank, lower abdomen and thorax region, Anaesthetic indices like the onset of analgesia; time to recumbency; onset of recovery; duration of analgesia and time to standing were noted down. Haemato-biochemical parameters were also recorded. There was no significant difference between the values of HR, RR and RT between the two groups at different time intervals. Complete analgesia was observed in the tail, perineum, inguinal, thigh, digits/pedal, anterior flank, posterior flank and lower abdomen region, after the administration of drugs. Motor Incoordination occurred immediately after drug administration and the incoordination was significant even after 120 minute of drug administration in both groups. A faster onset of analgesia and time of recumbency was produced by group II animals. However, the duration of analgesia and standing time was higher in group I animals.


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